Solstice Greetings ~ 19 June 2013

Here’s to planets in Gemini. I’ve had more than my learning curve quota of the intricacies of e-mail in cyberspace while sorting out some snafus. And now I’m back at it here with major e-mail transformation and a glitch-free website and all kinds of groovy cyberspace things.

Happy Solstice everyone. Given the blistering heat and insanely low humidity we now endure here in Arizona, I was inclined to write Happy Summer. But I know my client base in Antarctica would not be amused.

This year the solstice is far more powered up than usual. In weeks, Jupiter crosses the solstice point, entering Cancer, and in July the Sun and Jupiter wait for Mars to join the splash in this emotionally rich water sign. Hopefully those passages will return some level of sensitivity sanity to the planets. Forget the idle chatter, the crazy rhetoric. Let’s restore a healthy perspective of what people really require: food, shelter, domestic tranquility, basic emotional contentment and a sense that the government might actually be able to help somehow - or at least that enlightened coalitions gain traction to remove the woes of poverty and hunger from the world.

Let us hope... and while we hope, how do we get from here to there; there being a healthier place personally and collectively?

Presently, Mars in Gemini passes opposite the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. From the 24th through the 28th of June he opposes a set of potent black holes in Sagittarius, prior to his standing across the sky from the progressive-minded, innovation-oriented Galactic Center on July 8th.

Given Mars and the Sun and Jupiter are still in Gemini, the bullet point approach to insights and questions fitting the transit era strikes me as a good plan. So here they are:

Mars opposite Great Attractor (now and in effect for then next two to five days):

Consider all points of view, including those diametrically opposed to your own. Consider, then see if any adjustment(s) is/are necessary.

Ponder postulates. What would you do if your favorite theory, supposition or hypothesis, upon which most of your life is based, turns out to be wrong?

Are you feeling included in the right arenas of life? If not, what steps can you take in the next days to rectify that situation? Steps of your initiation, clear intention and with well-defined destinations.

Do your bio, profile on social media, avatar and such things accurately represent who you are and the direction you intend to take?

Will you respond with your opinion if others insist you must have the right answer?

How can you integrate the amazing realization you discover when challenged to think outside your traditional perspectives? And if you don’t feel challenged to do so, challenge yourself.

Mars opposite potent black holes in Sagittarius (June 24 - 28):

Are you practicing what you preach? If yes, very cool. If no...

If your actions and beliefs to not match, can you trust your instincts and nature to correctly steer your decisions? Will you modify your beliefs to reflect your nature more perfectly?

Speak from your experience. If you lack experience and/or wisdom regarding something under discussion, consider this a “listen and learn,” “silence is golden” kind of time.

If you solicit opinions from others, do you enthusiastically apply the results?

What if you receive advice and your innards just tell you the suggestions or review received are just flat out wrong? Yeah, and what if the person rendering those comments and critiques is a highly paid expert?

Do you believe nobody knows nothing? Depending upon an affirmative or negative reply, how does that impact the fork in the road you’re facing and the advice your instincts demand you seek? This applies to consulting oracles, too. Finally, if nobody knows nothing, where do you fit on that demographic?

Mars opposite the Galactic Center (in effect July 5 - 10):

Review every wild, innovative idea you’ve had in the past nine months. Define a plan to bring those wild ideas into real world manifestation. Take those action points and engage them all, one by one, documenting daily progress as you go. The documentation part is very, very important to sustain enthusiasm.

Realize you may encounter psycho-technological adjustment when you pitch your latest insights. You know PTA, right? That’s the psychological or spiritual reaction to a technological manifestation that alters the way you must conduct your life. So, when you stretch it out there with your best and most consciousness trending, allow others some time to stretch with you, snap back and finally wrap around your brilliance.

Be the innovator. Offer your experience. Apply your wisdom. If sought as a mentor, consider the opportunity.

Define your position about protest and opposition to status quo. Look up and contemplate “antidisestablishmentarianism” (works well within the ongoing Pluto-Uranus square). Determine whether it is better to make change from within or from without.

Work through your personal logic boxes applying “what would Einstein, Da Vinci, Edison or Darwin do?” when confronted with these philosophical challenges. Take the answers and become a beacon of galactic brilliance.

Next week I’ll be rendering some suggestions for positively stirring the waters of transits in Cancer. More soon!